Holidays in Merano and Environs

Weather in South Tyrol

General weather situation today

The high-altitude current will turn to the north, but the air masses will remain fairly humid.

Weather situation today

In the afternoon will predominate, the sun will only appear in places and a few rain showers are expected during the day. North winds will set in in some valleys.

Wheater forecast South Tyrol Max. 17°C
Min. 9°C

Mountain weather today

At the weekend, an intermediate high will ensure more stable conditions. Sun and clouds. During the course of the day, larger cumulus clouds will develop and isolated showers are possible.

Temperature in 2.000 meters: 4°C
Temperature in 3.000 meters: -3°C
0°C limit: 2600 meters

Weather tomorrow

After the residual clouds partly sunny. In the afternoon more clouds and isolated rain showers.

Wheater forecast South Tyrol Max. 22°C
Min. 10°C

Weather development

On Sunday sun and clouds. Temperatures will rise again and the tendency to shower will only increase slightly during the day. Monday many clouds with some sunny spells. In the afternoon isolated rain showers. Tuesday will remain changeable with lots of clouds, some sunny spells and a few showers. Wednesday partly sunny, some showers in the afternoon.

05.05.2024 06.05.2024 07.05.2024
Wheater forecast South Tyrol Wheater forecast South Tyrol Wheater forecast South Tyrol
Max. 24°C
Min. 4°C
Max. 22°C
Min. 6°C
Max. 21°C
Min. 6°C

Pension Angergut

· Nock Family
Gampenstrasse 8 · 39010 Tscherms · South Tyrol, Italy · T +39 0473 561674 · T +39 0473 561674 ·
UID: IT00760760215 · HK-BZ BZ 154479